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jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Lunching at Colgate University

Cooking and relaxing... oh... wait

One of the payment ways contemplated in our contract with Colgate, besides from our monthly salary and our rental, comes from the so called "Colgate Meal Card", a piece of plastic with a $1000 balance per semester which allows us to have different meals in the various food places of the Campus. Today's post aims to share our adventurous meals at Frank Dinning hall, one of those indicated food places characterized by it's hazardous ingredients combinations that, to our poor european stomachs is usually a bit too much.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Keck Centre - Language area

After two months working at Coglate University we can say that our offices have been officially dedicated (or, re-dedicated, as said) Due to some reconstructions the office where we are working has been re-opened publicly as the new language hub at Colgate Campus in Hamilton.

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Despedir el Otoño - Faculty Tunk

Vista aérea del Campus de Colgate
Y es que la estación más característica del Estado de Nueva York ya ha tenido su momento de apogeo y poco a poco nos abandona. He aprovechado que esta semana he tenido un poco menos de trabajo para hacer algunas fotografías del campus para compartir con vosotros los colores de esta señalada estación.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Between Queens and Manhattan

Working at Colgate University is giving me the opportunity to make some small traveling around NY State in which, undoubtedly, my very first target has been New York City.

As well known as "The Big Apple" or just "The City" this destination has everything to offer, whatever your needs are, there will always be something you will find extremely interesting to do in one of the most multicultural areas of the world. 

Since my most tangible hobby, so far, is architecture, I took this wonderful chance to visit, among other masterpieces, Louis Kahn's Four Freedoms Park, located in between Queens and Manhattan

Ugly map of the location of the map
Therefore, the aim of today's post is to share with my dear readers how me and my wonderful companion found the best way to get to the park and how we perceive it. If you had enough reading just let me know that it is definitely worth to visit.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

9h en NewYorkCity

Excursión 10/10

Skyline desde la isla Roosevelt (Click para agrandar la imagen)
Fue a través de una de las empleadas del gimnasio de la universidad que nos enteramos de un viaje que Colgate estaba organizando para los empleados del Campus. Pedí la información pertinente al personal administrativo de mi departamento barajando la posibilidad de ir y finalmente acepté formar parte de tan señalado viaje.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Next station MANHATTAN

Architectural express trip

Just in case some of my dear readers still wonder why I am in the US, since this turns to be my very first post in English, I am at Colgate University working as a Spanish teacher, helping students and professors with their duties as making the atmosphere of this wonderful University a bit more Spanish.
So, among all the courses, lessons, tutoring sessions and activities I am involved daily, there is not much time left for planning trips (since I am actually working on my Master's final project, as well). But here we have the exception, I am extremely happy to share with you guys that, for first time since I arrived to Hamilton the last 26th of August, I am finding myself planning a 9+ hr stay in New York City. yeah

Awesome map I found in the Internet.
It's worth enlarging ;)